We help you do what is best for your pet.

Our Telephone Number is 01727 854787 (24 Hours).

Here is what we have to offer:

  • Consultation with a veterinary surgeon by appointment or during the open surgeries.
  • Mr Hess MRCVS is a qualified veterinary acupuncturist and is registered with the British Association of Veterinary Acupuncturists.
  • We see small animals, including cats and dogs, children's pets, exotic pets, birds, and domestic poultry.
  • We offer preventative medicine where appropriate.
  • Weight-loss consultations with vet or nurse.
  • Puppy check-ups and advice sessions with vet or nurse.
  • Geriatric consultations with vet or nurse.
  • We handle most behavioural problems.
  • We do most surgical procedures at our practice.
  • Most operations are done on an out-patient basis.
  • We hospitalise animals when necessary.
  • We have X-ray and ECG facilities.
  • We have ultrasound facilities.
  • We have facilities for endoscopic examination.
  • We have full dental facilities.
  • We do many laboratory procedures and tests on site*. Other tests may be done at independent laboratories and results are returned as soon as possible.
  • We do OV (Official Veterinary Surgeon) work, including preparing animals for the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS).
  • We do Micro-chipping on cats, dogs, and other pets.
  • We take care of the bodies of deceased pets.
  • We collect pet-food and money for selected animal charities.


*As of December 2019, our on-site test offerings now include routine biochemistry, haematology, thyroid, kidney, urine and progesterone (pre-mating) tests. These can all be run during the consultation, meaning we can provide results before you leave.
Some more extensive and specialised tests are still sent to an independent laboratory, with results returned in a matter of days.



We do not offer an account facility. Payment is required at time of consultation.